Lawyer in the Courtroom

Contributor, John Easterling
Senior, Scotland High School

Do the names Charlotte Ray, Star Jones, Kamala Harris, or Omega Roberson ring a bell to you? Ray was the first African American lawyer in the United States, Jones is a successful lawyer and legal correspondent, and Harris is the current Attorney General for the state of California. All of these ladies have laid and are continuing to lay down the path for African Americans and women to succeed in a professional field dominated by men. Omega Roberson who is more than likely a name not as recognizable as the others previously mentioned, but someone who will one day give these people a run for their money.

Student's overseeing teen court at Scots For Youth website.  (Link if clicked)
Student’s overseeing teen court at Scots For Youth website. (Link if clicked)

Omega Roberson is a sophomore at Scotland High School and currently involved in numerous extracurricular activities around the Scotland County area. At Scotland High School she is very popular amongst her peers and a joy to meet. Besides being popular, smart, and a beautiful young lady; Roberson is involved in the Scotland County Scots For Youth Teen Court and in this capacity she serves as a defense attorney.

The Scotland County Teen Court Association’s purpose is to serve as the warning factor of troubled juveniles about the trouble that lies ahead if they continue down a path of delinquent activity. Scotland County Teen Court serves as an opportunity for juveniles usually involved in their first criminal offense; who have admitted guilt to be remanded to Teen Court instead of Juvenile/ or District Court. “If you are remanded to Teen Court then its actually a chance to think about and reflect on what you have done” according to Teen Court Prosecutor Roberson. The alternative to being remanded to Teen Court instead of a higher court level is:

  1. There is a zero chance of being sentenced to jail time
  2. If you adhere to the sentence given, then it will be expunged from your record
Teen Court at Scots For Youth Photo Gallery
Teen Court at Scots For Youth Photo Gallery

Roberson has had many exciting experiences in the courtroom ranging from: disorderly behavior to her clients switching their stories around without telling her. One of those interesting experiences was the time all three court cases that were on the docket for the day were remanded back to a higher level court, because all three of her defendants failed to acknowledge that they were guilty of any crime. Overall, Roberson has stated that “Teen Court is filled with numerous opportunities to interact and serve your community by getting your peers on the right road and I would highly suggest anyone who aspires to be an attorney to participate”. If you are interested in joining Teen Court please visit the Scots for Youth website and email the Teen Court Director Dorothy Tyson.  

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